Experiences in
Taitung County

Taitung County, located on Taiwan’s southeastern coast, is a hidden gem that offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and outdoor adventure. One of the most captivating experiences in Taitung is exploring the underwater world with a Green Island Diving Tour, where you can marvel at the vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life. For those who prefer to stay on land, the county is home to lush forests, hot springs, and scenic coastal trails that are perfect for hiking and relaxation. Whether you’re a local looking for a weekend getaway or a tourist seeking an off-the-beaten-path destination, Taitung County promises an unforgettable experience.

What is the best time to visit Taitung County?
The best time to visit Taitung County is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is pleasant and there are fewer tourists.
How can I get to Taitung County?
You can reach Taitung County by taking a domestic flight from Taipei or Kaohsiung to Taitung Airport. Alternatively, you can take a train or bus from major cities like Taipei, Kaohsiung, or Hualien.
What are the must-visit attractions in Taitung County?
Some must-visit attractions in Taitung County include the East Rift Valley, Sanxiantai, Taitung Forest Park, Green Island, and the hot air balloon festival in Luye Highlands.
What local dishes should I try in Taitung County?
You should try local dishes such as Taitung rice, flying fish, wild vegetables, and various indigenous cuisine. Don't miss out on the local night markets for a variety of street food.
Is Taitung County safe for solo female travelers?
Yes, Taitung County is generally safe for solo female travelers. However, it's always advisable to take standard precautions such as avoiding poorly lit areas at night and keeping your belongings secure.
Do I need a visa to visit Taitung County?
Visa requirements depend on your nationality. It's best to check with the local Taiwanese embassy or consulate for the most up-to-date information on visa requirements.
What outdoor activities can I do in Taitung County?
Taitung County offers a variety of outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, surfing, snorkeling, and hot air ballooning. The natural landscapes provide a perfect backdrop for these activities.
Are there any cultural festivals in Taitung County?
Yes, Taitung County hosts several cultural festivals throughout the year, including the Taiwan International Balloon Festival, the Harvest Festival of the indigenous tribes, and the Taitung Music Festival.
What is the local currency and can I use credit cards?
The local currency is the New Taiwan Dollar (NTD). Credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, restaurants, and larger stores, but it's a good idea to carry some cash for smaller establishments and markets.
What is the primary language spoken in Taitung County?
The primary language spoken in Taitung County is Mandarin Chinese. However, many people, especially in the tourism industry, can speak basic English.